RAPID is now accepting intern nominations for the 2025 Spring Program. Any questions? Contact Mahir Alam at mahia@aiche.org. Is the project the intern will be working on a RAPID funded project? - Select -YesNo RAPID Project Number the intern will be working on. Project Title that Intern will be working on: Describe how the work the intern will be doing advances process intensification or modular chemical processing technology. Intern Name: Intern Phone Number: Intern Email: Alternate, Non-University, Intern Email: Intern GPA: Intern Major: Intern Year as of January 1 of program year: - Select -JuniorSeniorGraduate Student Mentor/Supervisor Name: Mentor/Supervisor Title: Mentor/Supervisor Email: Mentor/Supervisor Phone Number: Cost-Sharing Organization* Name: Cost-Sharing Organization Address: Cost-Sharing Organization Address where Intern will be working (if different from above): Job Description of Intern’s Role on RAPID Project: Hourly Wage: Cost-Sharing Organization is the organization where the intern is employed and who will be counting the intern’s time as cost-share toward a RAPID project or RAPID membership *Cost-Sharing Organization is the organization where the intern is employed and who will be counting the intern’s time as cost-share toward a RAPID project or RAPID membership **Those organizations providing cost share are responsible for retaining all appropriate documentation records including time sheets, invoices, and appropriate backup information. The participating organization completing the cost share form may be required to provide additional verification and validation, such as intern eligibility documentation, for their cost share information to the Institute, the Contracting Officer, or other cognizant agency as needed or required. Intern is located in the U.S. Intern is in good standing with a regionally accredited U.S. college or university Intern has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 Intern is at least 18 years old at the time of appointment CAPTCHA Math question 6 + 14 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.