Electrochemical Separation of Aluminum from Mixed Scrap Using Ionic Liquids

Title Electrochemical Separation of Aluminum from Mixed Scrap Using Ionic Liquids
Publication Type Conference Paper
Electrodeposition of aluminum was conducted on three types of ionic liquids (ILs); EMIC, BMIC and HMIC with AlCl3. The molar ratio of IL:AlCl3 = 1:2 was determined to be optimum for all three ILs. Over 170 A/m2 current density with more than 85% current efficiency was obtained for EMIC system. Similarly, for BMIC, over 300 A/m2 current density was found with more than 85% current efficiency, and for HMIC, more than 250 A/m2 of current density with over 85% current efficiency was obtained. Based on the lab-scale experimental findings, scale-up experiments were carried out for BMIC:AlCl3 = 1:2 molar ratio. Significant increase in current density was observed when higher potentials were applied. More than 220 A/m2 of current density was observed for the scale-up system. Additionally, shorter distance between anode and cathode (\textasciitilde1 cm) and higher stirring rate (120 rpm) produced higher current densities. The outcome of this work would facilitate the scale-up studies for the electrochemical separation of aluminum from mixed scrap.
Year of Publication
Conference Name
TMS 2021 150th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings
Date Published
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