Executive Summary
This project aims to collect physical property and thermodynamics data for impactful bio-products and their separations, build thermodynamic models to represent multicomponent mixtures’ behavior, and incorporate these models into process simulation environments to allow for faster and more cost-effective scale-up of bio-separations technologies. The project work specifically targets the separation of organic acids from multicomponent mixtures typically encountered in bioprocess operations, using three distinct separation technologies: adsorption, membranes, and electrochemical techniques.
Potential Impact
Cost-effective separations are a key barrier to the scale-up of biofuel and bioproduct technologies at industrially relevant volumes. This project will provide data analysis pipelines that can be applicable to multiple product streams and yield consistent and validated models for process design and scale-up of adsorption, electrochemical, membrane-based technologies for the separation and recovery of aqueous and vapor phase bio-products.