In this installment of the Meet the RAPID® Interns spotlight series, we are highlighting an intern from the Summer 2023 program. Scroll down to learn more about Md Masud, a graduate student at West Virginia University.
Md Masud
Md Masud is a 1st year Ph.D. student at West Virginia University, working on a research project, "Machine Learning Aided Process Design for Microwave Assisted Ammonia Production", utilizing advanced-flow reactors to optimize and scale up a continuous manufacturing process. To develop machine learning models that can capture the experimental trend of input process variables vs. target output and find the optimum reaction conditions of ammonia production for a microwave reactor.
What are your career aspirations?
I am currently working on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the chemical engineering fields, and I am looking for my future careers relevant to my research area. I aim to improve the AI technology in industry and research facilities.
What are your thoughts on the RAPID Intern Program so far?
RAPID Intern Program is a good opportunity for the chemical engineers to be familiar with process intensification and modular process engineering. Interns also learn communication skills, networking skills, presentation skills, resume writing skills and many others. I like the weekly meeting and discussion forum as part of the intern program. I would highly recommend their internship program to enthusiastic chemical engineers.
*The RAPID Intern Program is an exciting opportunity for students working with RAPID members. It is a virtual PI leadership program which overlays on the work students are already doing at RAPID member organizations and provides students with PI leadership training and professional development skill-building opportunities like networking, career discovery, and public speaking/presenting. Click here for more information and to nominate a student.