SYNOPSIS–Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification Systems

There is going to be an integrated SYNOPSIS prototype software in Python, featuring a number of distinct software components on: Modular Process Synthesizer for process intensification; Operability & Safety toolbox for PI operational analysis; POP toolbox for design of explicit model predictive control strategies; PAROC software platform for the simultaneous process design, control and operability; Model library. These toolkits can be used by the users flexibly in an independent manner for targeted equipment/flowsheet intensification and analysis. They can also be applied in an integrated manner – for example, the integration of operability and safety metrics in the modular process synthesis is one of the key strengths of the novel software system we are building.

Link to Project: SYNOPSIS – Synthesis of Operable Process Intensification | AIChE

Primary Category

Associated Content

Software Tools

Licensing Info

We would like to release the tools to a broad community. We would open the source for the python-based tools developed in this project. However, since the tools are also linked with commercial simulators such as gPROMS and GAMS. The users will need to have licenses for these commercial software.

Corresponding Author(s)

Stratos Pistikopoulos, Texas A&M University,