The RAPID Center for Process Modeling (CPM) team has developed a number of Pressure Swing Adsoprtion (PSA) models. Two separate models and the toPSAil simulator developed under this effort are currently available for use.
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Simplified Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Model
The RAPID Center for Process Modeling team at Texas Tech University has developed
RAPID Content File Info
Model files include the initial implementation
Licensing Info
Acknowledgment for Software
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007888.
Dynamic Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Model
The RAPID Center for Process Modeling team at Georgia Tech has developed a
RAPID Content File Info
Model files include the initial implementation
Licensing Info
Acknowledgment for Software
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007888.
Totally Open Pressure Swing Adsorption Intensification Laboratory (toPSAil)
The RAPID Center for Process Modeling team at Georgia Tech has developed a Totally Open Pressure Swing Adsorption Intensification Laboratory (toPSAil) that referred to as the simulator.
- toPSAil is a complete framework for dynamic modeling and simulation of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes, written in MATLAB®
- Novel methods for modeling and implementing various pressure-flow relationships and controlled boundary conditions are implemented in toPSAil
- Novel methods for improving efficiency and reducing extensive trial-and-error tuning often required to produce working PSA cycles are implemented in toPSAil
- The user-interface of toPSAil is based on the MATLAB® GUI app and macro-enabled Excel® spreadsheets
- The release comes with a set of working example simulations
RAPID Content File Info
- toPSAil is a complete framework for dynamic modeling and simulation of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes, written in MATLAB®
- Novel methods for modeling and implementing various pressure-flow relationships and controlled boundary conditions are implemented in toPSAil
- Novel methods for improving efficiency and reducing extensive trial-and-error tuning often required to produce working PSA cycles are implemented in toPSAil
- The user-interface of toPSAil is based on the MATLAB® GUI app and macro-enabled Excel® spreadsheets
- The release comes with a set of working example simulations
- The code for toPSAil is released on GitHub as a public repository
- The toPSAil repository contains all the necessary .m MATLAB® files for simulating pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes, including the main function (and accompanying MATLAB® GUI), source codes, example folders, as well as the macro-enabled .xlsm Excel® spreadsheet files for each example
- Within the toPSAil repository, there are 6 main folders
- 1_config
- Supporting files for the repository that are not directly used by the simulator
- e.g., image files
- Supporting files for the repository that are not directly used by the simulator
- 2_run
- .m files for running PSA process simulations
- MATLAB® GUI for running PSA process simulations
- 3_source
- Helper function .m files that are called by the main function to run simulations
- Implementation of the dynamic models for PSA process simulation given as .m files
- 4_example
- Example folders, each containing .xlsm files for specifying simulation input parameters
- Simulation output results, saved as .csv files, for each example
- 5_reference
- .pdf files of published papers used to obtain the parameters for the example simulations
- 6_publication
- Figures generated for the publication of the simulation results
- 1_config
- Within the toPSAil repository, there are 6 main folders
Content File
Licensing Info
- GPL-3.0 license
- The Totally Open Pressure Swing Adsorption Intensification Library (toPSAil), herein referred to as the simulator, was developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology by Taehun Kim and Dr. Joseph K. Scott and is owned by Georgia Tech Research Corporation.
- The work was supported by Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) institute’s Center for Process Modeling (CPM) led by Dr. Chau-Chyun Chen, Dr. Maximilian B. Gorensek, and Dr. Joseph K. Scott.
- The simulator is available to academic research and noncommercial purposes within the RAPID Community for free.
- Any commercial usage of the simulator will require the member to negotiate a non-exclusive license from Georgia Tech (GT) Office of Technology Licensing (OTL).
- For information on the licensing, please contact Dr. Terry Bray, the director of GT-OTL, at
Acknowledgment for Software
- The authors appreciate support from the AIChE RAPID Institute's Center for Process Modeling.
- Funding support for this work is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (Advanced Manufacturing Office) under the grant DE--EE0007888.
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Corresponding Author(s)
- Chau-Chyun Chen, Texas Tech University,
- Joseph Scott, Georgia Tech,
The shared models and files can be used without restrictions within the RAPID Community. The referenced published material is subject to the appropriate copyright and publisher restrictions.
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007888.