Membrane Transport Models

The RAPID Center for Process Modeling (CPM) team has developed a number of Membrane Transport models and simulators. Two simulators developed under this effort are currently available for use.

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asyMemLocal – Asymmetric Membrane Local Flux Transport Simulator


The software package provides the user with a means to solve for the partial transmembrane fluxes for complex mixtures of any number of components utilizing the thermodynamic and diffusional coupling built into the Maxwell-Stefan transport modeling framework. Current support is for asymmetric polymer membranes, including 2 popular sorption models (Flory-Huggins, and classical dual-mode sorption) as well as a novel approach to describing glassy polymer sorption using the combined Flory-Huggins-Langmuir model. This software also includes novel membrane swelling diffusion models based on an average diffusion “sorption-vection” cohort style diffusion as well as a polymer free-volume based diffusion model.

RAPID Content File Info

Model files include the initial implementation in MATLAB and illustrative examples.

Content File

Licensing Info

The general-purpose simulator for local asymmetric membrane transport (asyMemLocal), herein referred to as the simulator, was developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology by Dr. Joseph K. Scott (PI) and Dylan Weber (Graduate Student) and is owned by Georgia Tech Research Corporation. The work was supported by Rapid Advancement in Process Intensification Deployment (RAPID) institute’s Center for Process Modeling (CPM) led by Dr. Chau-Chyun Chen, Dr. Maximilian B. Gorensek, and Dr. Joseph K. Scott.

The simulator is available to academic research and noncommercial purposes within the RAPID Community for free. Any external publications of the disclosed models are prohibited until the IP generator publishes corresponding research papers in a public domain. Any commercial usage of the simulator will require the member to negotiate a non-exclusive license from Georgia Tech (GT) Office of Technology Licensing (OTL). For information on the licensing, please contact Dr. Terry Bray, the director of GT-OTL, at

Acknowledgment for Software

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007888.

asyMemGlobal – Asymmetric Membrane Global Flux Transport Simulator

Corresponding Author(s)



The simulators are available to academic research and noncommercial purposes within the RAPID Community for free. Any external publications of the disclosed models are prohibited until the IP generator publishes corresponding research papers in a public domain. Any commercial usage of the simulators will require the member to negotiate a non-exclusive license from Georgia Tech (GT) Office of Technology Licensing (OTL).


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007888.