RAPID Technology Showcase Featuring Zila BioWorks

January 28, 2025


Tuesday, January 28, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET

RAPID Technology Showcases provide an opportunity for RAPID members to connect with and learn about fellow members' technologies and capabilities. We invite you to our next RAPID Technology Showcase featuring Zila BioWorks on Tuesday, January 28, 2024.

Join Jason Puracal, Co-founder and CEO of Zila BioWorks, who will be providing an insight into how Zila is transforming hard-tech manufacturing with drastically cleaner, greener chemistry, while supporting rural communities.  

Abstract: ZILA is transforming hardtech manufacturing with cleaner, greener chemistry, while supporting rural communities. Decoupling epoxy resins from fossil feedstocks is vital to eliminate high GHG emissions and persistent waste in global manufacturing. ZILA has developed a patented bio-epoxy platform technology enabling reduction in carbon footprint of durable goods while maintaining performance. ZILA is at pilot stage with customers in the outdoor industry, and lab validation for floor coatings and wind turbine blades.

Request an Invitation

Reminder: RAPID Technology Showcases are a members-only benefit to employees of RAPID members. Recordings of all past Technology Showcases are available to designated associates of Enabling, Choice, and Premier members through RAPID’s Members-Only portal. Have issues accessing or are not sure/want to change who is designated within your organization? Please contact rapid@aiche.org.