RAPID Technology Showcase Featuring Aeroshield

January 21, 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET

RAPID Technology Showcases provide an opportunity for RAPID members to connect with and learn about fellow members' technologies and capabilities. We invite you to our next RAPID Technology Showcase featuring Aeroshield on Tuesday, January 21, 2024.

Join Kyle Wilke, CTO and cofounder of AeroShield Materials, to learn about their recent advances and challenges in developing transparent aerogel manufacturing and products.  

Abstract: In discussing high-performance glazing technologies, the DOE’s 2022 report “Pathway to Zero Energy Windows” identified aerogels as a potential pathway to achieve long-term window performance goals. However, aerogels have never been produced at the size, volume, and quality needed for wide scale adoption in this application, requiring developments and breakthroughs in industrial aerogel manufacturing processes. In this talk, Dr. Kyle Wilke, Co-Founder and CTO at AeroShield Materials, will discuss AeroShield's recent advances and challenges in developing transparent aerogel manufacturing and products. This includes scaling sizes to the world’s largest silica aerogel sheets, considerations when incorporating our ultra-clear aerogel into insulated glass unit manufacturing, learnings from AeroShield's recently commissioned pilot facility, and plans for a FOAK commercial scale facility. 

Presenter Bio: 
Kyle Wilke's is CTO and cofounder of AeroShield Materials. Kyle completed his PhD at MIT in Evelyn Wang’s (former department head of the Mechanical Engineering Department) laboratory, where AeroShield's ultra-clear and super-insulating aerogel was developed. His PhD focused on nanomaterial synthesis and interfacial phenomena, with a particular emphasis on durability of materials in extreme environments. He began working on the technological and business development of transparent silica aerogels in Fall 2018 and now leads AeroShield's R&D and manufacturing efforts.

AeroShield Bio:
AeroShield Materials is a leader in the development and manufacturing of transparent, super-insulating aerogels for high-performance glass/glazing and recently announced the opening of a 12,000 sqft pilot manufacturing and R&D facility in Waltham, MA. The facility follows a July 2024 announcement by the Department of Energy's Advanced Research Project Agency - Energy (ARPA-E) that AeroShield had been selected for a $14.5M grant to scale the manufacturing of its aerogel materials for energy efficient windows.

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Reminder: RAPID Technology Showcases are a members-only benefit to employees of RAPID members. Recordings of all past Technology Showcases are available to designated associates of Enabling, Choice, and Premier members through RAPID’s Members-Only portal. Have issues accessing or are not sure/want to change who is designated within your organization? Please contact rapid@aiche.org.