RAPID Technology Showcase - InnoSepra, LLC

July 28, 2020

Showcase Title: "Breakthrough Adsorption-Based Technology for the Separation of Fluid Mixtures Including Carbon Dioxide Capture and Removal"

Conventional unit operations such as distillation and absorption can separate a binary mixture into two nearly pure components with high recovery of both.  Known adsorption-based processes such as pressure-swing adsorption (PSA), vacuum-swing adsorption (VSA) and temperature-swing adsorption (TSA) can provide only one product at moderate (O2 VSA) to high purity (N2 PSA, H2 PSA, air drying, and CO2 capture by TSA) at moderate recoveries (50-90%).  InnoSepra has developed a platform temperature-swing adsorption technology that can provide two nearly pure products (>98% purity) at high recoveries (>95%).  This technology has wide applicability for CO2 capture (for power and industrial sectors), for direct air capture, for the production of renewable natural gas (through CO2 removal from landfill gas and biogas), and for the separation of hydrocarbons. 
Sorbent-based processes provide inherent process intensification due to orders of magnitude higher surface to volume ratios compared to distillation and absorption-based processes.  Further process intensification is obtained by faster cycling using structured sorbents.  Process intensification coupled with modular construction (virtually eliminating field fabrication) and advanced manufacturing enables significantly lower capital costs compared to competing technologies.  Physical sorbents with significantly lower energy requirements compared to reaction-based processes are used in most cases.  The combination of lower capital and lower energy requirement leads to a significantly lower separation cost compared to competing technologies.
In this talk, we will provide an overview of the company and application of its technology for CO2 capture from the power plant flue gas and for the production of renewable natural gas.  This will include the pilot test results along with the techno-economic analyses.  We will also discuss potential partnership opportunities.

Speaker: Dr. Ravi Jain, Founder and President, InnoSepra, LLC

For an calender invite, please contact Ashley Smith-Shoettker.