RAPID Technology Showcase - Optimation Technology, Inc.

April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2pm-3pm ET

We at RAPID welcome you to invite your colleagues and join us for an upcoming technology showcase featuring RAPID Member Optimation Technology, Inc. This showcase will take place on Thursday, April 2nd, from 2pm-3pm ET.


About this Technology Showcase:

Do these sound familiar?

How do I…

•    Analyze massive amounts of manufacturing data?
•    Ensure product consistency across lines and plants?
•    Reduce lab-to-production time?
•    Limit expensive product testing?
•    Improve performance and yield cost-effectively?

An overview will be presented of a manufacturing production data analytics software tool that can help you answer these concerns.

Dan Curry, Quality Manager and Corporate Manager, Automation & Controls, Optimation Technology, Inc.
Steven Beyer, General Manager, Optimation Technology, Inc.

Click here to request login information to this exciting technology showcase. Open (and free) to any employee of a RAPID member organization.