ChemE Cube Volunteer Opportunity

2024 Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Opportunity Overview

The RAPID ChemE Cube Competition is looking for volunteers to fill one of four on-site or one of two virtual volunteer roles at the competition at Annual 2024, San Diego, CA. The volunteer roles are:

  • ChemE Cube Pitch Judge/Mock Investor
  • ChemE Cube Duel Judge
  • Poster Judge
  • Safety Inspector
  • Virtual EDP Reviewer
  • Virtual Ad Reviewer

The on-site volunteers should be available during the competition on Sunday/Monday, October 27/28 at Annual 2024 in San Diego, CA. ChemE Cube Volunteers will determine the team with the best cube according to our pre-defined standards and test measurements identified in the competition rules and rubrics (found here). The Pitch and Duel components of the competition will take place simultaneously.

Multiple volunteers will be selected for each role. For more details on the ChemE Cube Competition, check out the 2024 Competition webpage.


  • Cube Duel Judges will calculate the total points earned by each team in each head-to-head duel using the provided rubric. Duel Judges must work with Cube Output Analysts to process their data to accurately award points to each team.
  • ChemE Cube Pitch Judges will review a 10-minute live presentation by each team with a 10-minute Q&A session. Judges will critique each team based on the questions presented in the rubric.


  • Volunteers should hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering or related disciplines. Interest/experience in process safety is helpful, but not required.   

Time Commitment by Onsite Role

  • Competition time is October 27 @ 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM & October 28 @ 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
  • ChemE Cube Pitch Judge/Mock Investor: October 27 @ 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • ChemE Cube Duel Judge: October 28 @ 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Poster Judge: October 28 @ 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Safety Inspector: October 27 @ 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
  • EDP reviewer is asked to review ~2 EDPs

When Are EDP Reviews Conducted?

  • EDP Reviews instructions are sent out via email so no travel is required to fulfill this duty.
  • EDP Reviews for the Regional Competitions are conducted in February and March of each year.
  • The EDP Reviews for the ChemE Cube competition will be conducted in October of each year.