ChemE Cube Competition FAQs


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Preparing for the Qualification Round

Recently Qualified

Preparing for the Competition

Registering for the Competition


Preparing for the Qualification Round

Q: Does my team need to have a prototype for the design pitch?

No. We recommend having visuals (e.g., CAD drawings, unit operation diagrams, etc) to convey your design.

Q: I’m not sure if my team’s design solution is considered acceptable. Help? 

As long as the technology or equipment you’re asking about is not specifically disallowed in the rules or safety program, it’s permissible as part of the competition. In this case and at this time, the technology/equipment you’re inquiring about is not explicitly disallowed and we do not anticipate any changes to the rules or safety program at this time. Make sure you’re signed up to receive any updates to the competition materials should they occur. 

Q: My team is considering a bioprocess. Will we face any issues? 

Teams should consider that the competition will not be held in a lab with biosafety approval. If your team is considering a bioprocess, double-check the safety and precautions required to handle the materials. 

Recently Qualified

Q: My team’s design has changed significantly since our design pitch. Is that OK?

If at any point between now and the competition your design changes significantly from your qualifying presentation, please email us at to inform us. We may require an ad-hoc review of your new design to ensure no safety concerns. We expect design changes to take place since plans and ideas may change in the building/testing phases.

Q: Are teams allowed to add or subtract team members after being qualified for the in-person competition?

If the team adds or removes team members over the summer, feel free to send an email to We will request the team to complete the data collection form in August as well.

Preparing for the Competition

Q: For the safety inspection, will teams be around the inspector to answer their questions or will the cube be evaluated on its own? 

Teams are required to be around the cube in the pit as the safety inspector comes around.

Q: My team would like to seek sponsors to help offset some of our expenses (e.g., material costs, registration, travel, etc.). Can we place sponsor labels on our cube?

Yes! Teams are encouraged to seek sponsorship and funding. 

Q: My team is based outside of the US and we need to apply for travel visas. Can RAPID provide letters to assist with the process?

Yes! Reach out to to request visa letters. We’ll then follow up and let you know what information will be essential for us to include in the letter.

Q: My team made changes to our design after the EDP review. What should I do next?

Complete the management of change form listed on the competition materials webpage and bring a physical copy with you to the competition.

Q: Does my team need to bring a flowmeter and CO2 meter to the competition? 

For the in-person competition, teams will not need a CO2 meter or a flowmeter. We will provide the equipment for the competition. 

Q: Which CO2 meter is most suitable for testing?

A meter with a 1% CO2 sensor will provide the most accurate reading in ambient conditions. 

Q: What are our intellectual property rights?

By participating in the ChemE Cube competition, student teams are encouraged to develop commercializable, modular processes. However, student teams should be aware that there are risks in sharing unprotected ideas.

Neither RAPID nor the competition’s sponsors claim any ownership to intellectual property developed by student teams participating in the ChemE Cube competition and shall not be held responsible for any misuse of IP.

Student teams are encouraged to review their university’s intellectual property policies and are responsible for managing risks associated with sharing unprotected intellectual information.

Registering For the Competition

Q: Are participating team members required to register for the AIChE Annual Student Conference in order to compete at the competition?

Yes, we require all students to be registered.